zaterdag 2 januari 2021

Why the 2nd of January is the day that I re-evaluate the intelligence of the average Dutchman.

 I am unsure if this whole picking garbage up off the street is a good thing for me.

Selfish right...all about me me me...but the more I walk the neighborhood picking up garbage the more annoyed I find myself with people in general.  I mean the act of picking up garbage of the streets make me feel good about myself while at the same time less about humanity.  

Oh and don't get me started on all the fecal matter on the streets.  I mean what is the point of owning a house worth now half a million in a neighborhood where people can't clean up after the animals.

And yes on the 2nd of January, while picking up all the leftover garbage of cheap thrill fireworks I begin to all also wonder about the intelligence level of the average Dutch person...excuse me...person living in the Netherlands be they Dutch, Polish, Italian, African, American, British, whatever.  

And those young teenagers lighting dead Christmas trees pieces on fire outside the Badhuis, you boys got me thinking of the future.  Of all those adults who make grand statements like, "we have to leave the world a little bit better for the next generation," or "the children are the future." Well, I can't imagine that these wiseass kids are any different than the generations before or that the generations in the future will be any different than they are either.  

Sex Pistols had it right...No Future...and why should there be when we can't even seem to respect our present.

See ya in the buurt, on the streets.

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