donderdag 7 januari 2021

Full body functional and relatively free from dumb-asses.


to motion to mindfulness to mind your own business to mine the murky waters for gemstones of gracious attitude in the mix.


move forward - be it the page in a book you are reading - any empty page in a notebook filled halfway in - move forward towards your own self reflective reckoning.


mind what others have to say about what you do or create but do pay attention to that which you say to yourself about yourself, about what you do and about what you create.  Your own self critique is deadlier than any Navy Seal sniper with his sights on the back of your scalp.


of oneself is harsher than need be and even God doesn't have that sort of time to invest in such self-flagellation.  That is why it is always best to have some sort of self restraints, like duct tape or tie warpas on the hand for when you loose that control over yourself. 


sabotage triage is not exactly how the subconscious imagines itself spending its time this coming spring.  


at this line to say something steaming in graciousness to yourself.  Allow a bit of gratitude to get on the front of your shirt.  


reflection needs to be seen in a mirror clean and free from fog.  Cold shower consciousness will burn out the cobwebs and help prepare you for the wilderness of your day to come.


is nothing wrong with being serious about confirming to yourself about how you chose to commit to this cause, you alone are the cause of your effect.

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