Most everyone has got at least one.
Some folks got more than they
are willing to admit.
While others choose not to take on
any at all.
Some people form groups and these groups
base themselves around certain priorities.
Priorities like saving the planet or the right to bare arms,
or being body weight or gender rights activists.
Some groups make it their priority to go
after other groups whose priorities are in disagreement
with their own.
Some folks see this as a sport or a way to pass the time.
I think priorities can be like puzzle pieces, which
in this poem makes society the puzzle. And people, well they
just keep trying to push their priorities into certain spaces
where they just don’t fit.
Which ends up creating a lot of puzzles
that remains incomplete.
There are other types of people who take on a priority
just because it feels like a good thing to do.
These types of folks are everywhere too.
And this whole thing about poetry and this city has always been a priority
of mine.
Cause this is,
just what I do.