The algorithm...
The algorithm eats ebola with whole fat
milk and granola for breakfast.
The algorithm is watching us
but has a Hello Kitty sticker over its own camera so we can’t watch it.
The algorithm is playing
squash with Mark Zuckerberg.
The algorithm has contracted
chlamydia more times then Richard Brautigan ever did.
The algorithm is on a keto
diet but is having trouble keeping the weight of the world off its waistline.
The algorithm is
contemplating actually going back to its own shithole country.
The algorithm is a shithole
The algorithm is a plus size
model and proud of its extra rolls of fat.
The algorithm is busy
updating the Karma Sutra.
The algorithm is tired of all
the 0’s and 1’s in it’s life.
The algorithm is standing
outside my shop looking in and wondering what it is all about.
The algorithm excercises
everyday upon the treadmill that is Donald Trumps tongue.
The algorithm is open 24/7
and serves an even sweeter slurpee than 7Eleven.
The algorithm knows exactly
what is in a hot dog but is sworn to never share its secret.
The algorithm is wanted by
the authorities in three different countries for back alimony payments.
The algorithm is addicted to
The algorithm has had
reconstructive surgery and a sixpack inplanted in its belly.
The algorithm blew out its
lower back while twerking last time it was in Daytona beach on Spring Break.
The algorithm is still
waiting on a sequel to the film Gummo.
The algorithm is a big fan of
the band Royal Trux.
The algorithm still hasn’t
made up its mind about the latest season of Stranger Things.
The algorithm doesn’t think
it should be blamed for all the race baiting clickbait bullshit on the internet
these days.
The algorithm is waiting for
its vacation money and plans on sipping pina coladas poolside somewhere were
noone can find it but where it can keep an eye on everybody, all the time,
every single day.