woensdag 9 januari 2019

Barbershop Conversations

Young professional couple meet
fall in love
decide to move in together
settle in the city
cause that is where it all happens.

Young couple buy apartment
located next door or above
vibrant cultural venue
and feel young at heart
for doing so.

Couple ages and remains in love
love living in the city but
start to love the commotion and noise
of city life less and less.

Couple complains
City governments comply
and the commotion in the city
the cultural venues
that makes that city special
are one by one by one

Couple eventually grows old and
bored as there is less and less
interest in whatever comottion is
leftover in the city so they
decide to move to the suburbs
and raise a family of spoiled children
who will one day also look
to fall in love and move
to the city.

zaterdag 5 januari 2019

Todays Sermon.

One need not be a labeled a socialist to believe in a world where social justice has less to do with being some sort of warrior or claiming to be awoke


more to do with believing in fixing what is intrinsically broke.

Lest one forget that simple fact.


May the powers that be
be given front row seats 
like Alex in A Clockwork Orange
to the creation of their
God given Anarchy.

So ends todays sermon.

donderdag 3 januari 2019

Nodding my head and wondering about how much of the world I know about by watching something on Netflix.

The byline said,
Mayor killed less than
2 hours after being
sworn in

and my mind said

and when i opened
the page and
the headline read

A mayor in Mexico
murdered less than
2 hours after being
sworn in

I sighed
and realized

violence is sometimes
too predictable

and that I needed to
cut down
on watching

It’s not what you think but think you know. 6

Curiosity was to her, as flammable as kerosene, for she had been blessed with a spirit ignited through insight.  For safety reasosns she fel...