dinsdag 13 augustus 2019

Before We Walk or Swim or Contemplate

Now, before we walk through
Plate glass windows or choose
To swim in barbed wire seas
Full of message in a bottle molotov cocktails
Served shaken like epileptic sailors
Upon catatonic cruiseships,

Let us all take a moment to
Contemplate the fragility
Of the landscape
Ego eggshells and the growing crevice
Between corrupt consciousness
And the evolution of the caterpillar
From larve to corporate whore.

And I say
And I say
And I say

A men.

Now, most of us never spend a day of our lives searching for anything more than our car keys or telephones

Like a television series stretched from one season to seven
The plot is sometimes lost amongst us all.

It takes a pretty face to shake the collection box and make the public smile while contributing

Taught with ideas that are bred to misrepresent, is it any wonder that the kid standing before the class is just target practice for rest.

Sickness, this city, this suburb, this small town sliding into the sewers
As the rivers roll and the mud flows and the gutters collect
Insurance checks that will never be cashed.

This is more of the obvious less
It is the lesson most left off the agenda last,

And I say
And I say
And I say

A men.

zondag 11 augustus 2019

Postcard perfect

Just back from vacation
and I found in my actual mailbox
a picture postcard
of an empty space
sent to me
by my subconscious.

There was no scenic photo
nor shot of some beachfront or
the sunburnt buns of some girl in
half a bikini imprinted on the front

just an empty space

and on the backside of paradise
were writtten in red ink
these six words,

Glad that you are not here.

Now, when is the last time any of you got a postcard
from your subconscious?

As if this actually never really happened

So I am back home
At this party of an old friends
new friend

And in conversation
In some suburban kitchen
This guy says to me,

Hey man you should
Really dress your age.

And i looked
At him standing there
On the otherside of the kitchen island

In his suit jacket
And pressed shirt
And Dockers

And I said, hey man
Let me,
Guess how old your are
By what you
Are wearing.

And he smiled
said sure

And I said,


and he said
fuck you
I graduated the same year
you did.

It’s not what you think but think you know. 6

Curiosity was to her, as flammable as kerosene, for she had been blessed with a spirit ignited through insight.  For safety reasosns she fel...